UCI Core Facilities

Service Providers

Supports researchers on all types of projects, ranging from brief/limited consultation for statistical advice to long-term partnership on large, interdisciplinary-program projects, multi-center trials, and population-based studies.


Genomics High-Throughput Facility

Manager: Melanie L. Oakes, PhD

The GHTF provides emerging genomics technologies to UCI investigators. GHTF technologies span DNA sequencing applications from genome mapping to single-cell gene expression and epigenetic modifications. Specific services include preparation of mRNA, single-cell RNA, small RNA, genomic, ChIP, methyl, and exome sequencing libraries, and long- and short-range DNA sequencing.


Mass Spectrometry Facility

Protein Mass Spectrometrist: Benjamin Katz, PhD

This facility offers analytical services on a wide variety of mass spec platforms including ESI LC-TOF, GC EI/CIMS, MS/MS, and MALDI TOF. Services include sample preparation, mass determination for small molecules, and peptide sequencing.

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Optical Biology Core Facility

Manager of Self Use Facility: Adeela Syed, PhD

The OBC facility self-use facility provides researchers access to state-of-the-art optical microscopy instrumentation and technical support. Note the OBCis comprised of two additional components: the FlowCytometry Facility (CFC) in the Institute of Immunology(described above) and the Laser Microbeam and MedicalProgram facility (LAMMP) housed in the Beckman LaserInstitute which provides access to select microscopes and imaging equipment.

The UC Irvine Center for Statistical Consulting provides statistical and intellectual support to students, staff, and faculty at the University of California, Irvine and as well as investigators from area businesses as well as other universities. The Center’s activities cover all aspects of the statistical design, analysis, and interpretation of investigations in science and industry. 


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Animal Resources

Transgenic Mouse Facility Mouse Genome Engineering Facility (TMF)

The TMF provides intellectual and technical support to researchers wishing to use genetically engineered mouse models (GEMM). TMF offers a comprehensive range of services associated with sourcing, production, cryopreservation, and reanimation of GEMM, including their development by CRISPR- and ES cell-based engineering


Campus Center for Neuroimaging

Facility for Imaging and Brain Research (FIBRE)

FIBRE, a human imaging-resource, provides research dedicated to MRI and PET services. FIBRE focuses on neuro-imaging, however, FIBRE is equipped to scan other domains as well (e.g., cardiac, cancer) to support a range of basic and translational research programs.

In-Vivo Functional Onco-Imaging (IVFOI)

The IVFOI shared resource supports basic and clinical cancer researchers by providing them with the necessary expertise, imaging instrumentation, and image analysis techniques. In addition to providing services with standard preclinical and clinical imaging systems, the IVFOI works to integrate multi-modality imaging technologies (MR, MR, and optical tomography, and X-ray microCT and optical tomography), providing for a better understanding of the fundamental biochemical nature of cancer and for development of new contrast agents and molecular pathway-specific imaging probes.

Neuroscience Imaging Center (NIC)

The Neuroscience Imaging Center has a multidisciplinary team of physicians, physicists, biomedical engineers, psychologists, and computer programmers keeping the facility at the forefront of the continuing advances in brain imaging methodology. In addition, our advanced cyberinfrastructure for data analysis and image fusion, segmentation, and neuroinformatics research further contribute to the nationally recognized work that has come from our Center.

Preclinical and Translational Neuroimaging Center

The PTIC provides magnetic resonance imaging (MRI/ MRS) services and houses a 9.4T Bruker Biopsin Avance 2 MRI with a 30cm bore. Non-invasive imaging of in vivo and ex vivo biospecimens using standard, advanced and novel emerging techniques are available. Methods to visualize, characterize, and quantify normal and pathologic processes in animal models, as well as tissue samples, can be undertaken. In addition, research specific MRI sequence development are available. Data analysis training, data storage, and services can be arranged.


Clinical Research

Experimental Tissue Resource (ETR) Pathology Research Services Core

The ETR provides basic, translational, and clinical cancer center researchers access to, and analysis of, human and animal tissues. ETR leverages the technical and professional expertise of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, offering four component services: routine tissue histology/immunohistochemistry (IHC), tissue analysis including laser capture microscopy (LCM), mouse pathology services, and genotyping services

Institute for Clinical & Translational Science (ICTS)

The ICTS offers investigators the support they need to conduct clinical research. These services include Discover. Teach. Heal. specially trained research nursing, technical and support staff, and a large selection of procedural support.


Electron Microscopy

Electron Microscope Suite

Equipped with a JEOL-JEM1400 electron microscope with a digital camera and an ultra-microtome, this facility provides technical services for specimen preparation, design of unbiased sampling procedures, operation of the electron microscope, and interpretation of biological ultrastructure.

Irvine Materials Research Institute

The IMRI serves as an interdisciplinary nexus for the research and development of engineered and natural materials, systems, and devices. The institute supports the highest-performance transmission electron microscopes available today for the characterization of materials, biological samples, and devices from millimeter to subatomic length scales.


Fabrication and Prototyping

Integrated Nanosystems Research Facility (INRF)

The INRF Clean Room Facility is a class 1,000/10,000 facility, with class 100 work areas and with all major semiconductor fabrication equipment. It is set up to be used in a multi-user mode.


The facility contains tools uniquely capable of performing micro- and nanofabrication on materials such as polymers, hydrogels, collagens, proteins and even living tissue. These materials traditionally have been difficult or impossible to micro-machine since they require special care or unusual process conditions.


Offers scalable micro/nano-manufacturing, modeling, design and control of materials and manufacturing processes, additive manufacturing, and advanced characterization techniques.


Flow Cytometry 

Flow Cytometry

SCRC houses a Flow Cytometry Core and offers a stem cell techniques course as well as access to tissue culture rooms

Flow Cytometry Facility (FCF)

FCF provides multi-parameter flow cytometers equipped for fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and emerging flow cytometry assays, as well as the technology and professional technical assistance for cell analysis and sorting.


Mass Spectroscopy

BioMolecular Spectroscopy-NMR

This facility provides collaborative access to 18.8T 63mm Bore Oxford Superconducting Magnet operating at 2.2 K and Varian UnityInova 800 MHz HighResolution NMR Console.

Center for Virus Research

This facility provides MALDI-TOF/TOF identification of proteins and modifications using LC-MS and LC-MS/MS and database searching for biological materials that may be proteomically simple or highly complex, and protein abundances extending down to the low femtomole level.

Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Facility

The UC Irvine Center for Isotope Tracers in Earth Science (CITIES) facility in the School of Physical Sciences houses a range of sophisticated analytical instrumentation. This includes four stable isotope mass spectrometers (IRMS), capable of measuring air, water, soil, plant, and rock samples, and a new High-Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (HR-ICP-MS) that is utilized for measuring elemental and isotopic tracers in natural samples.

Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics (LFD)

The LFD is a national research resource center for biomedical fluorescence spectroscopy that provides a state-of-the-art laboratory for fluorescence measurements, microscopy, and spectroscopy, with technical assistance to visiting scientists. The LFD designs, tests, and implements advances in the technology of hardware, software, and biomedical applications. In addition, it disseminates knowledge of fluorescence spectroscopic principles, instrumentation, and applications to the scientific community.

Laser Spectroscopy Labs

Laser Spectroscopy Labs (LSL) are modern laboratories dedicated to research and education in areas of linear and nonlinear spectroscopy and microscopy, ultrafast phenomena, and unequilibrated systems. The laboratory is also known for introducing advanced optical experiments to a broad scientific community. It has a long history and reputation for working in collaboration
with various groups and research units at UCI, and collaborates with groups at other universities and national labs.

UCI High-End Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry Facility

This facility provides Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer technology for focused and proteome-wide protein expression research, including identification, quantification, and structural interrogation of proteins and protein complexes.


Other Resources

Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC)

The UCI ADRC functions in collaborative cores that include investigators from a variety of disciplines (e.g., neurology, neurobiology, nursing, geriatric medicine, social work, pathology, statistics).

Biobehavioral Shared Resource (BBSR)

The BBSR provides a consultative service to assist researchers as they incorporate patient/participant-reported outcomes into their projects. This support includes expertise on the patient-reported outcome (PRO) instrument selection, PRO instrument development, and consideration for data collection assessment intervals and strategies to obtain valid and reliable PRO data.

Bio Cluster

The School of Biological Sciences owns a High Performance Computing Cluster that includes a 700-core Opteron cluster with 400 Tb of disk space to supplement the computational pipelines of the Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics, which handles primary read mapping.

Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSR) Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

The mission of the Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSR) faculty and staff is to support the conception, design, implementation, analysis and reporting of research conducted by members of the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Center for Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostic Medicine (CAIDM)

The CAIDM provides an environment to develop and deploy artificial intelligence-based healthcare applications. In addition, the CAIDM also supports healthcare imaging research, including an enterprise-level infrastructure to query, download, anonymize, store, and transmit data for optimal efficiency across high bandwidth data center networks.

Computing- High-Performance Computing Cluster (HPC) Research Cyberinfrastructure Center (RCIC)

The HPC facility is available to all researchers at UCI that allows them to store and analyze data of a size that would not otherwise be possible locally, and personal assistance in resolving specific computational problems. This unit provides classes and tutorials in using Linux and the HPC cluster as well as Bioinformatics and classes in Big Data processing.

Microscope Imaging

A wide variety of microscopes are available; training is provided with SCRC equipment. The UCLA-UCI Alpha Stem Cell Clinic is the coordinating center for ongoing clinical trials in stem cells and regenerative medicine at UCI.

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